Monday, December 1, 2008

A scared citizen...

Mumbai came under attack. Terrorists. They came with a purpose and achieved more than what they wanted...

I am a citizen of India and now, I will think twice before going to a Mall, Cineplex or a Hotel. I will never set foot in a 5-star hotel after this perhaps. I will always look at 20-something boys carrying shoulder-bags with a little suspicion or for that matter anyone carrying a rucksack. I will, at all times look for owners of bags and suitcases in trains, buses or even public places. I will make a mental note of all the fire-exits and nearest staircases at all places, wherever I am. I will not believe in the efficiency of metal-detectors, for a man just illustrated that even after carrying a gun, the detector did nothing. I will not have any faith in our so called ‘leaders’. I will look at most politicians with disgust. I will feel unsafe in my own country.

I will worry for my daughter, for the world she will grow up to live in. Will I ever have the peace and calm that I am entitled to?