Friday, March 30, 2007

A Hair-raising story!

I have always had funny hair stories!!! I have never had luck with my hair! I don’t know if its jus me or if it’s my hair…but there are jus so many amusing hair stories for me!

About couple of years back, I had decided its time I got rid of my boring, safe, pony-tail, hair style and try something new and hip! Do something that everyone takes notice of! My hair is, by nature, very wavy…and to get a drastic change in the look, I decided to straighten my hair…and that’s what I did!

My first reaction as I finished straightening was despair, because I wasn’t sure myself if I liked it! But I had paid a bomb for it…so I better like it, I decided. I walked out of the salon confidently and got into the car where my husband was waiting for me. I casually reminded of what I had told him earlier that day. He smiled and added in a programmed, By-hearted-way, “I like it, u look different.” Good, that was reassuring, but I knew I had to do better.

I spent the next few days trying different styles and slowly kinda started liking the hair this way. It was new, it was very easy to manage and more than anything, I could get ready for work 15 minutes faster than before!! I decided it’s the best thing that’s happened to me :).

A year and few months passed. My hair grew out of the straightening effect. That’s when I thought I’ll jus get a new hair cut and that’ll create a new look! So I cut my hair….and that was the doomsday! Because of the semi-straightened effect, my hair did not respond well to the hair cut. It looked as if my hair was partially straight and partially wavy! I almost cried in the parlor and pleaded that they do something. The people there informed me that my hair was damaged cause of the straightening and that I could do nothing but wait till it grows!

I had an important presentation the next day at work and I couldn't miss it (else I wldve taken an off). I went to work and not a single person stopped staring at my hair! People who knew me gave me sympathetic smiles. People close to me gave me their condolences! I was the talk of the office! "Well", my colleague joked, “At least now everyone is taking notice of your hair”. Yeah…I have never had luck with my hair anyways!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Arranged Marriage

Ours was a conventional ‘Arranged' marriage. Horoscopes were matched, parents met first, photos exchanged and then of course, we met too.

Both our parents were quite broad-minded and patient. We were allowed to meet and speak how may ever times it took us to decide. No pressure on deciding. It’s a different matter that we met just twice and decided that this was it!!!

In that context, I really feel, ‘Arranged’ is probably jus the right word…. When I met Arjun the first time, we hardly spoke on issues of importance…I think it mostly went off in just talking about each other's work (I remember cribbing about my strict boss!), about movies, about traveling, about cars (we both shared a passion for good cars and that was the single common thing!!), we even talked about mobile phone models! So that was all we did in the first meeting, by the beach side. It was obvious that we had to meet again and this time, really talk!

We met the next day at his place. We sat ourselves on the balcony and started chatting again. He is a palm-reader so he read my palm. Yes, a little better than talking about cars! He spoke about what he interpreted from my palm and that got us into long talks about life, expectations and hurdles. We must have spoken for almost 3-4 hours and then as we ran out of things to talk and up came some silence… I remember smiling at him and him smiling back. At that point, both of us decided that we were going ahead with this. It was just as simple as that!

It was probably something that we talked, that clicked, or something that we felt, the strong positive feeling. Only, we were having a conversation as normal as two strangers trying to get to know each other. Nothing that we talked could have helped us decide for sure that this was it….but yet, that vibe, that urge, was so strong & optimistic! It goes beyond human reasoning. That is when I to began to understand…that certain things were just meant to be. And so I believe that it truly was an ‘Arranged’ marriage
…only arranged by the supreme power above us!
This is my first step into the big Blog world and I must admit i joined the bandwagon only to not feel left out..and also due to one eye-opening incident.

The other day, as I was coming back home and got into the elevator, two kids joined in with me. They must have been around 12-14 yrs old and were busily chatting. One said she had to rush home and finish her homework, do some "serious orkutting" and then chat with her cousin in the US later in the night. Wow, I thought, a busy agenda for a girl all of 12!! The next girl, not to be left behind, added that she was taking it easy that day as she had already finished her homework and all she was gonna do was " fill up stuff in my blog"...adding, i am in a mood to write something Soulful!!! I jus couldn't believe it, forget having a blog and updating it regularly while balancing homework, tuition, classes etc at that age, but she even felt 'Soulful'??? I mean, I am sure i dint even know what that word meant when i was her age!!

That is when it hit me... feel soulful & expressive or not, Blogging is something I probably jus have to do...probably not a good idea to be left out on this one!!! :)