Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Mother’s Memoir

Being a mother and watching your child grow is I think one of the best gifts from god to a woman. The way those tiny fingers which knew just to curl up, slowly unfold and learn to point at things, to hold things. The way the unsteady neck, strengthens up to hold the head high and mighty. The way the tender legs, which knew only to kick the air listlessly, toughen up to crawl, stand and even walk! It’s truly wonderful, the way a small baby grows into an active, inquisitive little toddler! And am truly lucky to have been with my li’l one, all through out this beautiful one year!

I remember all those milestones and the joyous emotion it evoked every time. For instance, when S’na was three months old she had turned over once or twice and then gave up on it until suddenly in her fifth month she decided to do it all over again and this time she really loved it. She would be on her back and in a jiffy just roll to her sides and go onto her stomach. How much Arjun and I loved those times she did it and then would smile graciously at us!

She started sitting at the beginning of the seventh month. I will never forget that day when she first did it…I couldn’t believe she did it so easily, as if someone had tutored her on it. From her fours, she just moved back in such a way that she hit the floor and then she just sat! Of course, she just managed to sit for only few minutes and bang, she fell. Falls always happened along with the achievements. But it never deterred her. She continued to sit and look at the world from a new perspective.

From sitting, graduating to moving on all fours happened very swiftly. We had bought her a toy bike-rider that used to play a song and move along. One day S’na decided she’s had enough of the toy going round and round and so started crawling behind it and caught it. Once she discovered the joy of independence, she never looked back. She would crawl to all the parts of our house, explore the dark corners, go behind the line of ants and crawl on and on. She loved it.

She loved crawling so much that I think she decided not to move on to walking very soon. So it was only two months past her 1st birthday that she started walking. I remember the lengths Arjun and I would go to urge her to start walking. We got her a walker, with those fancy play-things attached and a musical horn. Then when she dint walk much with it, we thought perhaps those fancy things distract her and got her another walker, this time a more traditional one made of wood and without any frills. She dint seem to like this one too much either. I would also take her to the park for her to see other kids running and playing and maybe get inspired in the process! Of course, I was just being an over-concerned parent. Anyways, the day did come. It was Diwali and maybe the diwali-spirit in her got her to do it, her tiny feet took their first steps…it was the best Diwali! J

So there you go, now she is fourteen months old, walks around the house as if she owns it and has even started saying some words. She says bow-wow when she sees a dog and says cheese when she wants some. She loves to play with her toy piano which plays different tunes for each button and she enjoys playing with her rubber ducks while bathing. She loves for me to read her a book, her first book with colorful pictures and cartoons, before she goes to sleep. She adores playing peek-a-boo with appa and loves for him to cuddle her as soon as he's home from work.

I know these coming months are going to be a lot of fun, as she’s going to be learning to talk much more and I can wait for it. Her every tiny step is precious and the memories are worth a million!


Anonymous said...

Suva, I must thank you many times for this blog on Sahana...very nicely captured...took me back to those days when I to cherished each achievement of singam. The pics add even more colour..please continue this blog. Years later when I read it again, I will really cherish every word in it.

Unknown said...

Suva ... I can't find words to decribe your blog, because you seem to have taken away all the words to describe the bundle of joy in your life ... Simply putting it, its just a beautiful description of some of the continuing best moments in a parent's ( esp the mother's ) life ! Keep writing this and when S'na grows up, she'll be able to relive the most important periods of her life reading your photo blog !

Gayatri said...

What a sweety-pie she is di! You shoud be such a proud mother!

And you are just making me so much more exited when I want to take things slowly! :)

keep writing on your "adventures of motherhood..." It's so much fun to read!

Mysteeque said...

These words and anecdotes will become a beautiful story book that you can read 20 yrs later...:)

Ne-Na-M said...

hehe, i absolutely looooooooveee the smirk on her face in the pic where she is standing, all 14 months old:)....keep writing more and more because they make us feel good when we read them and forget the drudgery of life for few minutes:)