Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chale Chalo...

After yet another hiatus, I am back again. I have always been meaning to, the pleasure of writing just for the fun of it has always been on my mind. However, in between moving from one country to another and raising a two year old, I guess I bundled up the thought and kept it on hold.

Anyways, talking about the infamous move, we moved from good old India to the US of A, courtesy, hubby’s change of job-assignment. The move had been planned for sometime so it did not come as a surprise to us. But the amount of work and emotion that went into the move sure was a surprise!

First of all, choosing what to keep and what to toss, from our ‘wealth’ built up in the five years of marriage was of course extremely tough, but also sentimental. Like the terracotta Ganesha set that I had so lovingly bought, A’s precious books from his college, S’na’s first set of toys, my beautiful Indian clothes, the unopened beautiful tea-set given by my aunt, our collection of books and so forth. But the most painful was to part with our first car! I remember the day when we had got it; we probably took it around the whole of Bangalore, not wanting to park it for more than a minute! I remember the romantic long-drives in our newly-wedded days. I remember bringing S’na in the same car from the hospital when she was just a few days old. And when the buyer came to take it, I did not even want to see our car being taken away. I silently said bye and wiped a tiny tear!

After somehow managing to sort our entire household into only very essential items and packing them, I remember my mom who had come to help me making me promise that I will not do this to her again. J Then I spent a month long vacation with my parents before we actually moved, which was thoroughly enjoyable given the pampering we received. Be it amma’s loving cooking, affectionate taking care of the grand-daughter or appa’s patience to take us around and show us all some good time, it was delightful!

Then came the actual move. The 20-hour or so flight was ok but the 20-hour or so flight with a 15-month old was terrible! Poor thing, hated sleeping on the seat, didn’t understand why she couldn’t run around and most of all, hated the tiny cubicle which mommy took her to, to change her diapers! I had packed all kinds of toys and items to distract her and one of them included a sticker-bindi set. It finally held fort for me…she loved plucking the bindi and sticking it to different places on daddy dearest! It was fun, inexpensive and easy to handle…by far the best idea I have had! :)

The flight landed and we reached the US. Neither A or I, had any special importance to being in the US, it was an official move and that was that. Having moved around quite a bit in India itself, again thanks to his job, we treated this as one more. As we stepped into the taxi to reach our hotel, I remember thinking, though the travel was over…the journey had just begun.

This new journey in a new country is what I will share in some of the following posts...


Ne-Na-M said...

now, this keeps us gng for a while..plz dont write the next blog when ur back to India...do continue writing and keep it funny and heartily touching as ever!!!

Mysteeque said...

wow!!! and you are back!!! I love it! nice write up.. its like reading one of those on a rainy day, sitting by the window and sipping a cuppa chai!!!yummmmm

Unknown said...

This is what you should be doing for a living ! Its what comes naturally to you and that adds to much beauty to it ! Eases the reader into your shoes and makes him/her experience the journey as if it were their own. Love it. Keep bringing more !

Anonymous said...

I agree with Krishnakumar....you should not bother looking for jobs...you have one right on your lap. I would rather be a proud spouse of a famous writer than a so-called salesman in an IT company! :-)

Sini said...

Thanks everyone, for encouraging me so much! Value all ur opinion a lot!

மணியன் said...

Thanks for the US winter for shaking you out of your hiatus.As KK and Meaning of Life said you have a flair and style for writing and better exploit this talent !