Friday, March 30, 2007

A Hair-raising story!

I have always had funny hair stories!!! I have never had luck with my hair! I don’t know if its jus me or if it’s my hair…but there are jus so many amusing hair stories for me!

About couple of years back, I had decided its time I got rid of my boring, safe, pony-tail, hair style and try something new and hip! Do something that everyone takes notice of! My hair is, by nature, very wavy…and to get a drastic change in the look, I decided to straighten my hair…and that’s what I did!

My first reaction as I finished straightening was despair, because I wasn’t sure myself if I liked it! But I had paid a bomb for it…so I better like it, I decided. I walked out of the salon confidently and got into the car where my husband was waiting for me. I casually reminded of what I had told him earlier that day. He smiled and added in a programmed, By-hearted-way, “I like it, u look different.” Good, that was reassuring, but I knew I had to do better.

I spent the next few days trying different styles and slowly kinda started liking the hair this way. It was new, it was very easy to manage and more than anything, I could get ready for work 15 minutes faster than before!! I decided it’s the best thing that’s happened to me :).

A year and few months passed. My hair grew out of the straightening effect. That’s when I thought I’ll jus get a new hair cut and that’ll create a new look! So I cut my hair….and that was the doomsday! Because of the semi-straightened effect, my hair did not respond well to the hair cut. It looked as if my hair was partially straight and partially wavy! I almost cried in the parlor and pleaded that they do something. The people there informed me that my hair was damaged cause of the straightening and that I could do nothing but wait till it grows!

I had an important presentation the next day at work and I couldn't miss it (else I wldve taken an off). I went to work and not a single person stopped staring at my hair! People who knew me gave me sympathetic smiles. People close to me gave me their condolences! I was the talk of the office! "Well", my colleague joked, “At least now everyone is taking notice of your hair”. Yeah…I have never had luck with my hair anyways!!!


nandu said...

well...i expected this story from you!!!One suggestion ,you should have named it "A hell raising Story".Nobody would have agreed...but still!!
Awesome that you have started blogging...maybe it will give me some inspiration

Shri said...

good one...
i had a similar post in my blog.
nice topic hair do's are btw....

Usha said...

Hi, saw ur blog address on ur orkut and decided to check it out! I loved this one on ur hair. Btw, I always envied ur straight hair! U know mine :( After abt 4 months in one room I realised u'd got it straightened! And ppl tell me I observe everything arnd :)