Thursday, March 29, 2007

This is my first step into the big Blog world and I must admit i joined the bandwagon only to not feel left out..and also due to one eye-opening incident.

The other day, as I was coming back home and got into the elevator, two kids joined in with me. They must have been around 12-14 yrs old and were busily chatting. One said she had to rush home and finish her homework, do some "serious orkutting" and then chat with her cousin in the US later in the night. Wow, I thought, a busy agenda for a girl all of 12!! The next girl, not to be left behind, added that she was taking it easy that day as she had already finished her homework and all she was gonna do was " fill up stuff in my blog"...adding, i am in a mood to write something Soulful!!! I jus couldn't believe it, forget having a blog and updating it regularly while balancing homework, tuition, classes etc at that age, but she even felt 'Soulful'??? I mean, I am sure i dint even know what that word meant when i was her age!!

That is when it hit me... feel soulful & expressive or not, Blogging is something I probably jus have to do...probably not a good idea to be left out on this one!!! :)


மணியன் said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging !

Sini said...

Thanks :)